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Juanita's high school portrait

Juanita's high school portrait

Juanita was a little girl once

Juanita was a little girl once

Juanita loved ice skating

Juanita was a wonderful figure skater in her youth

At the Old Eugene Ice Arena

At the old Eugene Ice Arena

Performing in the ice show

Juanita Skirvin marries Malcolm Manley in 1948

Passport Photo, 1953. Headed for Europe

Seeing Europe with Malcolm by Porsche

Juanita and Malcolm as young parents, 1958

Juanita and her brothers

Juanita with brothers Dave and Loren and their wives, Malcolm over her shoulder, and her mother Clara May on the right end.

Juanita and young son Kevin

Helping young son Kevin to not hear the train whistle

Juanita with Wendy & Kevin

Juanita with Wendy & Kevin, about 1963

Christmas 1964

Christmas 1964

Christmas 1966

Christmas 1966

Christmas 1968

Christmas 1968

Christmas 1975

Christmas 1975

Christmas 1978

Christmas 1978

Christmas 1984

Christmas 1984

Reviewing the day's catch before the feast, with nephew Aaron, mother Clara and daughter Wendy

Brother Dave & mother Clara


Juanita & some of her brothers' families; Malcolm on the far left

Flower arranging demonstration

Flower arranging demonstration

Flower arranging demonstration

Juanita loved teaching

One of Juanita's arrangements

Making wreaths with Margaret

Juanita with her mother Clara May and brother Dave on one of his visits from Mississippi


Juanita loved the outdoors, Camping with family - Malcolm, Wendy, Kevin & his partner Laura

Four generations

4 generations - Juanita looks on from the right as her mother Clara May holds Juanita's baby Wendy beside grandmother Clara Anna, 1958

Juanita and her good friend Bob

Four generations

The next 4 generations - Juanita looks on from the right as her daughter Wendy introduces Juanita's mother and granddaughter, Clara and Clara

Camping with brand new granddaughter Pearl

Juanita loved her grandgirls

Juanita loved her grandgirls

Juanita with her grandgirls

Clara and Pearl picking berries with their grandma near her house in Eugene

Playing at the beach with Clara in San Francisco

Juanita with her grandgirls on the back porch in the summertime

How to make a Grandma laugh

Treasure hunting unusual plants at the nursery

Juanita at the aquarium

Juanita and Bob Hill

Juanita in the sunlight

Juanita at a concert in the park

Juanita and her daughter Wendy picking fresh peaches - their favorite!

Juanita and Bob at Gilroy Gardens in California

Juanita and Bob

Strawberry picking!

Juanita with Bob and his son Erik

Juanita with Bob and his family

Juanita, Bob, Erik & Robyn

With Bob's family

Juanita, Bob, and Clara at the conservatory of flowers in San Francisco

Juanita and her granddaughter Clara in San Francisco for Christmas

Juanita's beautiful smile :)

Sleepin' with grandma

Clara and "Grandma Moggy"

Juanita and Bob

Juanita's 75th Birthday Party

Juanita's 75th Birthday Party, 2005

Celebrating with friends

Gardening buddies

Juanita and Sherry, good friends

Juanita and her granddaughter Clara

Peach picking with grandma

Playing in the snow with Wendy and Clara

Gardening buddies

Eugene Garden Club  buddies

Eugene Garden Club buddies

With fellow first-generation master gardener and partner in adventure, Phoebe

Receiving another award; with Sherry

Juanita, Wendy, and Clara goofing off in the hills outside of San Francisco

Road trip 2017, shopping colleges with Clara

Wind blown on the Columbia River Gorge

San Francisco, December 2016

Juanita with her granddaughters, Clara and Pearl

San Francisco, 2016

Juanita and family

Pearl, Clara, and Grandma

At Clara's high school graduation in San Francisco, 2016


One moment among hours of calls with Wendy

Mother-daughter digging-in-the-garden day, Spring 2017

Breakfast in San Francisco

Breakfast in San Francisco

Juanita exploring a garden

Juanita has always been a plant admirer, looking for the unusual


Juanita and her granddaughter Clara, on the back porch with the pelagonium collection

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Juanita in her dining room

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